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Information for bar and restaurant owners and managers:

Bartender Union will locate a qualified bartender within a time frame of 30 minutes to 12 hours. We value speed and flexibility while ensuring personnel quality. When choosing a bartender for your needs, you can specify the importance of experience, as well as  looks. Our service takes the headache out of choosing the right bartender: You don't have to wait a week for the right person. You don't have to dig through thousands of unqualified workers to find a suitable professional. In a few minutes online you can discover the right bartender for your needs. In the rare case that you are unsatisfied with the provided personnel, we will locate a replacement within minutes, free of charge.


Information for bartenders and persons with related qualifications: 

First and foremost, Bartender Union will ensure your employment. By joining the Bartender Union you gain access to work in multiple establishments based on your hours of availability. Students are welcome, providing that you can accommodate the necessary hours. When signing a contract with us (generally for a term of 2 years) you will be guaranteed employment, and you will be treated according to our standards at the workplace. Should the employer violate our standards, your interests will be protected. For details, please refer to the Contract page.

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